A good cook always has secrets. My secret is to improvise! Don't think that I am crazy, but one day a couple of years ago I was watching Everyday Italian on the Food Network by myself and Giada made this awesome looking pasta. I didn't have time to get a pen and paper so I just watched her and thought I would be able to remember all of the ingredients. Needless to say, I went to the grocery store a couple of days later to make the pasta. I got back home, and realized, I had bought pancetta instead of prosciutto, Parmesan instead of mozzarella, and completely spaced off the basil!
Well, since I still had some asparagus left over from the other night, I thought what can I make with it so it doesn't seem like we just ate it earlier this week? Ah-ha, I remembered Giada's recipe from a long time ago that I never got around to making! I was so excited because I had
all of the ingredients, except the spaghetti. Shoot. Luckily, I had Rotelle noodles, and to be honest, I think they looked a lot prettier than the spaghetti would have.

If you'd like to try making this lovely pasta, you can find the recipe
here. It's wonderful, it took about two years in the making ;)