If there are two things that I really love they are....
Duck and
Farmers Markets. The first Farmer's Market that I ever went to was in
Des Moines. I had never seen anything like it. Every weekend I was so enthusiastic to wake up early every Saturday to get to the Market and see what was new... well I continued that tradition in California, except I didn't love it as much as Des Moines'.
That being said, as soon as I moved back to Des Moines, I was ecstatic to get to the Farmer's Market. To my surprise, it was
much bigger than it was when I first moved to Des Moines, let alone in the last three years! I was in love, again....

Here is my latest find at the Farmer's Market. Chicken? No,
it's Duck! It's kind of hard to find duck in Des Moines and once I saw it, I had to have it...
even though it cost me a pretty penny! I started out by searing it to make sure all side and corners were nice and golden brown.

While it browned, I cut up all the veggies I could think of that I had in the fridge. I had also scoped out a pretty cool veggie....
Purple Carrots! When I first saw them, I thought
WTH? I asked the vendor if they tasted any different and he told me to try one... they were delicious and only $1! I took
all of their supply.

Once the duck was just browned, I set them aside and sauteed the veggies in the
duck fat until tender.

In another "pan" I sauteed some
bok choy that I had also found at the
Farmer's Market.

After the bok choy was softened, I set it aside in a bowl and started to make some risotto.

I just
love risotto. Don't you? It's one of my
favorite dishes.

Once the rice was ready and soft, I added the cooked bok choy back into the mix.

I added all the last ingredients and then topped it with
Fresh Italian Parsley.

After the veggies had cooked, I added the duck back in along with some
red wine,
stock, and
oranges.... I covered the dutch oven and slowly braised everything for about an hour. Voila, this is what it looked it, fresh out of the oven!

As it slightly cooled, I made a quick salad and topped it with
home-grown tomatoes, thanks to Joseph!

How did it all look?
Beautiful. How did it all taste?
Even Better. Ugh, I want to make it all over again just so I can eat it all over again :) Love, love, love it!