So you've noticed that I haven't blogged in
TWO months.... I haven't! Where has the time gone? I had to look through my last couple months worth of photos to see what I have been up that it seems as though it has only been a few weeks since my last post.
As I reminded myself of the recent happenings and reflected on them, I put together a
compilation of photos that really brought a smile to my face or stood out among all things. I haven't included everything yet as I am going to do individual posts for the
bigger and more important things, but I think you might enjoy these... for now:

Fall is by far one of my favorite seasons; the changing colors of the leaves, to the slight chill in the air, and the need to wear a scarf :) Oh, and champagne is always in order!

2.) Weekly
bonfires is also one of my favorites. I think sitting around a bonfire and just watching is so therapeutic, especially after a long and stressful day or week. It's kind of like watching a candle flame, but in larger terms, obviously.

Scott Yoshimura, is my favorite too, of course. We all attended the release of his bands' new CD.
Raygun, in the East Village, hosted the event and provided PBR while playing the new Envy Corps CD.

4.) I have a hard time saying no to a party! Joseph, Jenn (another one of my favorite people), and I attended the
HUE event at The Des Moines Art Center. The color of the evening was Vermillion. It was a pretty fun time with a lot of fun people like Betsy Pearson & Lucy Shay, also a couple more of my favorite people :)

5.) Aside from cooking (which I will be posting more pics of later), I have also been
baking up a storm. From cakes to cupcakes to cookies and even napoleons!

Oktober Fest. Enough said? It was a blast! My favorite was that I got to hang out with all my long-time favorite people: Joseph, Sarah, Meredith, Bethany, Seth, and even some
new ones like Mr. Sorenson, and his sister Emily, and her boyfriend Zach!
...And the one and only Garrett of course!

7.) We all attended the
World Food Festival last month. It has grown so much since the last time I went... maybe 4-5 years go. It was awesome to see all the new additions to the once very small festival.

8.) Doing all things
Fall is what I missed most about the Midwest while living in California. We never really saw the change of seasons or got o fully experience them. SO, we had to go to
Apple Orchard picking and
Pumpkin Patch searching. More on this later, but just a little teaser for now!

Brunch. Probably of my favorite things that I picked up in
San Diego. It was a must, ever week, for us and will continue I'm sure through Winter :)

Camping, I have to confess is not one of my favorite things, but with the right people, it makes for an amazingly fun time.

Weddings, one of my all time favorite things. You get to hang out with all the people you haven't seen in ages as well as all the people you love. We had (2) weddings within a matter of weeks within each other. Congratulations to my cousins' Debby & Chito, as well as my long time good friend Marci and her new hubby Andy :)