I have two Happy Places in San Diego: Coronado & La Jolla.

After a terrible week last week, I really needed to de-stress (is that a word? For the sake of this post, it is). To make a long story short, someone tried to steal one of our cars. Not only did I feel completely violated, mad, and sad but I felt unsafe. But, after some cooling down time, I am mostly over the entire episode.

So, I went to Coronado this afternoon because the high was going to be 93. I was so excited to just lay on the beach and not think about anything. No worries about bills, work, or personal problems. I was so happy. I window shopped and even made a very small purchase for a friend's upcoming birthday.

After finally feeling like I could breathe again or fully "de-stressed", I came home and waited for Joseph so we could go to La Jolla Shores. He surfed while I sun bathed. It's pretty nice having time to go to the beach before having to work, the down side is someone might try and steal your car!
What's your "Happy Place" & Why?
My happy place is the bim.