When we first arrived to San Diego, as we tried finding a place to live, our Suburban was hit by something. I always thought it had to have been a bus or garbage truck because it dented the entire side of the Suburban and blew the tire. Not to mention that ALL of our belongings were sitting inside of it. Solution: Find a place to live ASAP and file an insurance claim.

After living in San Diego for about four or five months, our Jeep Wrangler was broken into, right around the corner from where we live! I noticed it when I tried to turn it on and drive to work. Someone had completely removed the bottom part of the steering wheel, but I assume was unsuccessful. Thank goodness we had nothing really in it, and that they weren't successful taking it. Solution: File a Police Report & file an insurance claim.
Now, turn the clock back to Tuesday morning. I had the day off and wanted to go out to lunch with my friend. I remember parking the Jeep right in front of our complex gate on Sunday afternoon. I also remember seeing it Monday afternoon. I thought "Maybe Joseph took it and parked it somewhere else." I texted him, no response. So I went to see him at work and asked him about it. He joked "Maybe someone stole it", I responded, "That's exactly what I am thinking!" Uh-oh!
Lourdes and I drove around our entire neighborhood trying to find it. Nothing. **Cue panic mode** After Joseph got off work, he looked. Nothing. Shit. Is this really happening?? Yes, the Jeep was stolen sometime in between Monday night and Tuesday morning. Solution: Call Joseph's parents, Call the Police, and once again, file an insurance claim.
What happens next? The police said most likely it is in Mexico. Perfect, maybe we should just drive down and look for it. Kidding. So, we have one car, that may need to be driven back to Iowa because this is our THIRD major insurance claim and it's Joseph's parents car, technically.
Now, I wonder. What is the silver lining in all of this? I truly believe in my heart & soul that everything happens for a reason. I am trying really, really hard to be positive and find out what that reason is. I have yet to see it, feel it, or think of it. What is the reason? Why all this misfortune?
Let me take a moment to appreciate the good times I had in the Jeep.
I appreciate...
the wind blowing through my hair in the summer
taking off the doors and hanging off the side
the Jeep wave
getting us from Des Moines to San Diego safely
getting me up the Wanek driveway
helping others get up the Wanek driveway
always being reliable
always promising a fun ride
never rolling over

Let me end with saying, that there is a small chance that we may get it back, according to the insurance company. But, we'll see. I do believe that somehow this will not stop us from moving forward.
Let me end with saying, that there is a small chance that we may get it back, according to the insurance company. But, we'll see. I do believe that somehow this will not stop us from moving forward.
oh. my. god. i am so sorry!!! i just read this now, you guys have been having such rotten luck. :( how awful! i think you're doing the right thing by trying to stay upbeat, even though it's hard. Love you!