Last week, we celebrated Joseph's 23rd birthday with a Pirate-themed party. I tried to keep the party a secret from Joseph, but then had to tell him because I knew he would want to dress up too! Then I planned on having a dinner party for his close friends before the wildness began, but then he was "stressed out" that he didn't know what I was planning and was going to plan his own thing. So, then I had to spill the beans about everything I had planned. Oh well. That's the last time I ever try to plan a surprise anything for him.

Joseph's friend from work, Satomi, made this fabulous cake. I believe it was lemon berry cake, with Nutella fondant that she had made. She was so sweet for making it. It was very good. She even made it Pirate-themed!

Two of my friends from work came, Olga & Victor. When all three of us are together, we are unstoppable! However, Victor must not have received the memo that said it was a Pirate-themed party...

After a
homemade lasagna dinner, dancing, drinks, and many friends coming and going, the last of us remained. We had this crazy idea to walk across the street to a bar called NuNu's, in our costumes, of course! Everyone at the bar loved us. They even sang "Happy Birthday" to Joseph in Pirate voices. Cute!

After leaving the bar at 2:00 a.m. we came back to our place and cut into another cake! Joseph's mom had baked him a home-made German Chocolate cake, and shipped it over night. How sweet is she, right?! So, we sang once again, and ate half of the cake. Delicious. I would say the party was a success, especially since Joseph was sick all day Sunday!
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