On my days off, rather than sitting around eating & watching Judge Karen or Deal or No Deal, I have decided to become more productive. Most of last year, I am too burnt out to do productive things, but I have slowly turned over a new leaf.
Where is all this extra energy coming from? My mind, I guess.
For the past.... (let me check when my permit was printed) .... six months, I have been practicing/getting used to my Vespa and in the mean time preparing (putting off) for my Motorcycle Skills Test.
However, the pressure is on! Today, I brought myself to make an appointment to pass the test (yes, pass the test because failing can not be an option) on the first time slot available, which to my satisfaction is not until next month!
The Test:
1.) I have to identify all of the gadgets on my Vespa and what they do
2.) Drive in, around, and between various things on this track

The pressure is on and the count down has begun...
February 10th