As I blogged about last month, I finally made the appointment at the DMV to take my Motorcycle Skills Test as I mentioned here. A little over a week ago, Joseph and I went to the course and he gave me some pointers, showed me the proper way to pass, observed as I tried and nonchalantly told me I was probably going to fail.
Well, of course I try not to believe him. So a couple of Wednesday's ago, I went to my appointment early and waited in line with a few cars in front of me to take the skills test. I didn't really feel nervous until I was at the front.
The lady testing me was very nice. She explained the two test drives that I had to do in detail. She told me she was kind of lenient with allowing my front tire touching the white lines but that I could not go outside of the lines or put my feet on the ground while driving.
Attempt #1
I failed within with the first 20 seconds because I lost my balance and put my feet down. Haha. I was kind of mortified because I had gotten further on my own the day before and the day of! BUT, she was sweet enough to let me try again (probably because it was so pathetic to have failed to fast)
Attempt #2
She told me to take a deep breath, focus, and try again. I passed the first test perfectly! I was so proud of my myself and thankful that she let me take it again. The second test was supposed to be a little easier to I didn't fret too much about it, and she told me if I happen to go out of the white lines, to keep going anyway.
I was just a few feet from finishing when doing my final turn that I blatantly crossed the white line and yelled "Shit!" but as instructed, I kept going to the finish. She told me to park my Vespa. I wasn't sure whether I had passed or failed but to my surprise, she said she would pass me! I was ecstatic, I couldn't believe it. So yes, it's official, I am a licensed driver in the State of California.

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