Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh, hey! There you are... I guess that's what most of you have been saying to me! There have been SO many changes in my life the past several months that the last thing on my mind was my beloved blog. I am happy to report though, that I am officially back :) I am sorry it's been so long but the first thing that I would like to share with all of you is that I think I can officially call myself a RUNNER

Me, a runner? No way, right? My friend Lauren giggled at me when I told her I was a runner. She said, "All I can see is a vision of your running with a designed bag at your side and a scarf waving in the wind behind you." I had to laugh! I never thought I would be a runner even though I always secretly wanted to be because my big sister, Grace, has been a runner since middle school but I was too lazy.

Well, I have changed my tune, and to get myself motivated, I signed up for a 20K in June. Kind of a big leap from not being a runner to committing to (12.4) miles right? Well, I think most people who know me will agree with the the fact that when I say I am going to do something, I am really am going to do it :)

Dam to Dam 2012 Logo

So there you have it... My registration is complete and I have been in the process of training for the last 3-4 weeks with a running date of Saturday, June 2nd. I even somehow convinced my best, Bethany, to run it with me. She hadn't been running in a while but I told her we needed to run (8) miles two weeks ago. She agreed but then as the date neared, I think both of us were hoping that one of us would cancel or want to reschedule but I told her... "We said we were going to run eight miles today... and even though it's raining and I hate the rain... we HAVE to do or else we won't later." And we did it :) It was amazing. I usually hate the rain, but it was actually very relaxing/calming to run in the rain for an hour.

Date: Wednesday, May 9th at 10:26 a.m. (Finish Time)

Two weeks later, with small runs in between, I was set to run (10) miles today, and I did. I was laying in bed this morning at 8:30 a.m. thinking to myself, "I can do it tomorrow, right?" But I got my butt out of bed, threw on my running clothes before I changed my mind and ran out the door. It took me (1) hour and (33) minutes to run non-stop ten miles. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I was of muyself. I have never run so far in my life and as much as I wanted to stop and walk, I kept going with the goal in mind.

If you're free and in Des Moines on Saturday, June 2nd, you need to be at the finish line cheering me and Bethany on. Running that far is a super accomplishment and I am excited to cross it off my list.

1 comment:

  1. you're amazing. and I'm lazy. haha. but i can't wait!!!
