I had a chicken breasts, which I seasoned with salt, pepper, and drizzled with olive oil and marinated in lemon juice, while I prepared my Caramelized Shallots. For this, I had about a pound of shallots (from the Little Italy Mercato), which I sauteed with (3) tablespoons of butter. Once they were all covered, I added (2) teaspoons or so of Brown Sugar, and (1) tablespoon of Balsamic Vinaigrette. Once all combined, I put the pan* in the oven which I heated to 400 degrees, and baked for (20) minutes. Every one's oven is different, so this may take a little longer, just make sure they are golden brown at on top.
Next, I threw the chicken into a heated pan and cooked them over the stove. While they cooked on one side, I started boiling some water and threw the baby carrots a few minutes before the chicken would be done. The trick is not to over cook them because you still want the carrots to have a little crunch to them, usually they turn a brighter color when done.

I took the chicken out of the pan and placed them on the dish, arranged the baby carrots, took the shallots out of the oven and scooped them onto the plate as well. Done & done, dinner is served!
*If you're using a pan that has a plastic handle or can not be placed in the oven, place an oven-safe dish into the oven while it heats so that it will be nice and hot for the shallots to cook properly.
yummm. you just inspired our dinner tonight! though i'll be cheating with the leftover shallots from the party :)