The picture-esque shot that I saw in real life didn't transfer well with my iPhone camera. I wish it had because this could have been a potentially cool shot.
They had this little "sidewalk" made of this stone squares. I tried to make it a little interesting apparently by catching my fingers in the frame. I think it makes it look like you are peeking into a small cemetery or something. A shop owner saw me taking this shot and asked if I had an assignment in texture. I kind of giggled/blushed and said I was going to blog about it. They told me to stop by again in the spring when vines grow around the blocks.
And then I found the cutest little shop, The French Garden Shoppe. They had little lavender, rosemary, and bay leaf plants outside. Of course I was drawn in and loved everything from the setup to the scent to the shop keeper. I promised I would be back :)
you are so sweet! i LOVE the birthday gifts! it was absolutely perfect and the necklace was exactly like the one i had blogged about. you truly are a bestest friend! :) thanks again!