I love birthdays, weddings, and celebrations in general, don't you?? I love the ritual of getting together with people you love and eating, drinking, and just being together. Maybe that explains why I get lost in my work of planning parties!
One of my very good friends, Jessica (on the right) just turned 21 and even though she insisted that she didn't want to go out or get drunk.... that mission was accomplished with the help of her family and friends.

Happy Birthday Jessica, I know you really enjoyed yourself, and so did everyone else celebrating with you!

One week later, was
Joseph's 24th Birthday! It was a full house, or bar, at Nunu's with guests even including Chris & Erica on a Tuesday night no less! (
For those of you who know Erica, know that her bed time is around 8 p.m.)

Friends far and wide came out to celebrate Joseph's big night.

Obviously he was having a great time. He insisted on taking these balloons with us to Nunu's. He wanted everyone to know it was his birthday!

sweet faces :)

One of Joseph's co-workers,
Satomi, is a baker and made him this toilet birthday cake, with a little
chocolate fondant poop to boot!
Jessica was our photographer for the night. Thanks Jess!

Joseph loves to lick people's faces and make out with everyone or anything in sight when he is drunk. He had a great time, and needless to say I had to take him home in a taxi... and yes, the balloons came along for the trip as well!
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