No, I am still not done with that one painting... I have started looking at colors for the other painting though! So, in the mean time here's a little sneak peek of how far I've come.
After a lot of procrastination, I went out and bought the paint I wanted, searched high and low all over the apartment for my paint brushes (which hadn't been used in years). I also had Joseph's mom send me my old paints, which coincidentally had dried up. Oooooooops!
As I sat there starting to paint, I knew Joseph would sneak a picture of me and post it to his facebook with some kind of comment about how long it had taken me to start!
Towards the end I started to just slather paint on at the bottom. I was trying to make some kind of effect at the bottom, which didn't look the way I wanted it to. So I've kept on painting to make it a little darker down there...
Still not the finished product. I have a better picture of it somewhat complete and actually hanging on the wall! Maybe I will post it once I had finished BOTH paintings ;)
love it!!!