Saturday, June 12, 2010

Universal Studios.

Last week, I had mentioned to Joseph that we should take a little day trip somewhere. We weren't quite sure where to go but then I had the bright idea of going to Universal Studios! Joseph had never been and I hadn't been in a really long time.

My mom's family used to live in the L.A. area and we would come out often in the summers to visit when we were out of school. I always remember it being really crowded but fun. I looked up the admission and hours and realized that it would be the last weekend that they would be offering the "Buy a day, Get a year free"! So, I booked the tickets and waited for the weekend. Very last minute, our friend Caitlin got work covered and came with.

We stopped in Laguna for gas, a restroom break, and a photo-op with Joseph's new Mini :)

Yay! After roughly (3) hours of travel and L.A. traffic, we got to Universal.
First Stop?? The Tram!
The Tram is my favorite part of Universal. You get to go behind the scenes of some of the biggest movie sets. It's awesome!

This was a little part of the War of the Worlds. It was extremely eery, even though I knew it was fake, it kind of freaked me out. They had taken a real 757 and destroyed it for the movie. It was kind of crazy!
We also saw but did not take a picture of: Who-ville from How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carey, Jaws, the various cars of Back to the Future, and even took a little stroll down Wisteria Lane from Desperate Housewives!

We rode the Jurassic Park ride (the first time I rode it like ten years ago, it completely scarred me for life, but this time I knew what to expect), The Mummy ride, and the new Simpson's ride. I really liked the Simpson's ride :)

Universal Studios is so different as an adult. I am pretty sure that parent's take their kids here so that they can drink the whole time while their kids are amused by all the craziness. What a good idea, eh?

Does blue hair suit me?? Ha!

Notice how happy Joseph is that the shark is about to bite my head off... and my cotton candy and beer combination...

Overall, the day was really fun! We stayed until closing :) I hope to be back soon for a some new attractions like King Kong 4-D. If you need a tour guide...!


  1. oh my word! fun!!! i can't believe it takes THREE hours! though, i'm sure you're used to the traffic by now. one time when we lived in colorado we drove three hours just to have dinner with my dad!

  2. I couldn't believe it took three hours! It should have only taken about (2) but with the stupid traffic and construction! We're so NOT used to traffic, down in San Diego, our rush hour takes about (15) minutes or so of waiting. The ride home was fine though :)
