Monday, June 28, 2010


The more stressful my job gets, the more I have the need to do something fun or relaxing on my days off and luckily Joseph & I had a day off together this past week, so we decided to take a trip to the zoo for a picnic :)

We packed our own lunch and drove over to the zoo for the day/mid-afternoon. We thought we would take the time to really focus on specific parts of the zoo, since it is so big and we usually just kind of walk around with no direction. I wanted to focus on all of the monkeys and then make our way to the elephants.

As we walked, we stumbled upon the little muskrat things...

They all seemed to be hard at work digging holes and such, but there was just one that was napping and enjoying the sun. I joked that I was the little worker and Joseph was the sun-bather. He didn't like that much and said "Yea, everyone is working digging holes and not finding anything, while the other knows what life is all about!" Hahaha, it was cute :)

And then we made it to the Orangutans! There was a little baby that was so adorable. He was just swinging about and playing with patches of grass that he had ripped out of the ground.

His mommy and daddy were close by, of course. His mom had her back to the glass the whole time and would sometimes give a stink-eye look to everyone over her shoulder but the daddy just kind of sat in the shade, lost in thought... (for some reason he reminded me of my grandpa, who would spend his days in the same position, with the same expression on his face, under the his favorite tree in the was kind of sweet)

Eventually we made our way to the hippos! Joseph had to make-out with one of them, of course! Everyone liked Joseph's little stunt. Afterwards, all the parents were having their kids do the same thing, it was really funny.

At the end of the park we sat by the elephants and had our picnic. It was really nice and serene. I hope to make a habit out of going every week or maybe every other week, or at least once a month!

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