Friday, May 15, 2009

It's As Easy As 1,2,3...

Erica called me to ask if I could help her with a home improvement project. The selling point was take-out & a bottle of wine :) I thought we would probably need two! She picked me up and we went to West Elm (one of my favorite places)to pick out some curtain rods for which she had already picked out curtains for at IKEA, found here. She also thought she need a new rug to match the curtains. Here were our selections:

We got two curtain rods since she has one small window behind the TV, and one double window behind the bed. Erica really liked the polished nickel versus the brushed metal, so that's what we got.

The rug that she picked out was soooo incredibly soft, I wanted it for myself! We went back and forth for a couple of minutes but ultimately picked out the one on top because the natural looking one would probably turn dirty brown over time. We loaded the car, picked up some wine and we were off!

This is what her window behind the TV looked like before. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the double windows behind the bed, but at least this gives you can idea of what they looked like.

After struggling with trying to figure out how to take the panels down for the double windows, and Erica almost falling to her death (she would have landed on the bed), taking down the single window panels was a breeze! We were even able to put the new curtain rod hardware into the exact same place the old ones were in.

After a hard work's night, this was the end product:

The whole project probably took a couple hours, and it looks so elegant. We took a few wine breaks of course and ordered take-out from Extraordinary Desserts, which was awesome because (a) I got my discount and (b) the salad, chips & dip, and cheese plate were amazing! Overall it was a really fun and productive night :)

1 comment:

  1. so pretty! there's a west elm rug i'm lusting over...but it's puh-riiii-cy. i'll have to wait until seth's away at basic training and sneak it in! haha.
