Monday, June 15, 2009

Grilled Salmon, Cous Cous, & Broccolini.

Late last week, Joseph and I drove over to Henrys Farmer's Market for some produce among other things. They always have great deals on produce, so we tend to make a trip there when our fridge is completely cleaned out. We didn't want to get much this time because we knew we would be going home in a week and didn't want anything to go to waste.
Joseph had read in the ad that the Sockeye Salmon was on sale. So we went to over to the meat department and picked out a (1/2) pound piece of salmon. If you aren't familiar with salmon, Sockeye is one of the best types to get (and most expensive), with Alaskan Salmon as #2 on my list anyway.
After a successful grocery run, we drove back to our apartment and I started to layout dinner.

I had:

(1/2) pound fillet of Sockeye Salmon, *Skin On

(1) Box of Garlic & Herb Cous Cous

(1) Stalk of Broccolini

I drizzled the salmon with olive oil, and seasoned with a little bit of salt, fresh ground pepper, and Potlach seasoning, and let it sit for about (15) minutes. Once the grill was hot and ready, Joseph started to grill it for me.

I prepared the cous-cous according to the directions on the box, which took roughly a total of (10) minutes and let it sit, while I boiled some water in a small pot to steam the broccolini. I was so excited about the broccolini because I had never made it before. It is a lot smaller and milder in taste that normal Broccoli. It is said to be a hybrid of Broccoli and Asparagus.

Once the fish was all done, I squeezed half a lemon over it for taste and served it with my cous-cous, and broccolini. It was delicious. Just blogging about it makes me want to eat it again!

*I like to keep the skin on because it keeps the fish from charring on one side, and usually falls off during grilling, if not peel it off once cooked. I don't recommend eating the skin.

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